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Voice of Africa; empowering self esteem

May 25, 2013
As dreamed to have achieved the greatness of Africa every nation shall take part an adhesive self development of thinking, working, saving and serving. No desperate movement of individual, small group and, or clan interest shall be recorded in the coming Africa. African shall learn to really stand together.
Since the beginning, all the world noted  how potentially resourceful Africa was. The strong power of the western interest scrambled the continent for years and had employed varies tying techniques to lame the nation so that the invaders keep on sipping raw materials and human resources.
As far as most African countries are concerned, ethnicity and poor administration have been playing a vital role in the sluggish growth of the continent in contrary to the fast emerging new technologies and understanding of human rights.
Civil war and corruption have been the most dominant power houses to keep the whole Africa in drought.
Have you ever felt proud of being an African? Have you ever observed equality and justice? Have you ever noted quality education and fair election? Have you ever shared a transparent governance? Are the paper-tiger leaders standing for the people really? What a concern is touchable about Africa?
Into consideration of The Pan-Africanism, even the poorest leading governor of a country in Africa takes part to speak about the unity of the continent and the black people all over the world. Here door opens to the African union leaders to prove whether fair and just governance are employed over a country.
What if culture and tourism offices of each African countries motivate their nation from each clan into promoting its tradition and culture as well as becoming a single value to Africa through achieving quality higher education degrees pan-African languages.
If, first of all education is for any development sector; reading the press release, discussing politics, analyzing surveys and public data, understanding human rights and even studying theology should be given independence. No autocratic interpretation of a local government shall block the Pan-Africanism understanding from very individuals.
How would big thinking minds be part of selfish clashes? How come high contributors of development corrupt money and resources? Who builds the reading Africa? Who would dare teach how civil war is the symbol of undeveloped minds to Africa? Who would respond to “not eye-for-an eye” of Nelson Mandela?
If unity is to functional minds, united we stand and divided we fall. Unless, we fall both ways for our unity becomes unequal and unfair.
May all the understanding of pan-African ism  feel the spirit of the educated, uneducated, old, new, poor or rich governance of localities, towns, cities and countries all over Africa. Ethnic clashes shall not even be in an individual's mind because every single body of African nation stands for the Renaissance of the continent.
May we all be merciful!
May prosperity meets the dark pages!
May you and I turn positive all the time!
May all our wishes cm true!


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የሷ ሱስ

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