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Know well, fair

(This Post had been originally found on y other blog since April 21, 2013. Please consider post date while reading.)

First Afro-American president in the USA; the only uncolonized African country; first Olympic medalist to Ethiopia; first man to moon; Adolf Hitler; Nelson Mandela; Prophet Mohammed; Jesus Christ and a lot more are known to man with tangible evidence. Plenty of matters win an issue in to our sentimental heart. Surely every one dreamed to have done one of such prominent story to be added in to the story book of the world.

Besides the strong will of each code in the mind of thirsty nation, the most commonly convincing point boarding the world is the expressive existence of truth that never changes.  No part of rightly written history changes, but the writer and the way it is written does. Enormous amount of qualities and standards we quote never disagree with the world outside since we have the right references. 

Institutionalized schools and research centers have been for so long committed to prove who ever a scholar might be inquired to show up his/her intense could impress the value of this prior knowledge.
However, there are plenty of matters that our heart beats to know while none of its part is revealed to the deepest sense of one’s being. Who God really is in accordance with our individual life is the biggest of all the questions. How our independent success is hatched? What should one honestly do to remain with it while he/she still is stolen and or becoming abused of being wealthy? How to build up the right children and pass them a deserved legacy? 

As there are things we know in black and white, surplus amount of hidden stories are found to be revealed or stay uncovered. Such truth shall be minded to our governors so that they’ll be reminded that they’re made of flesh and blood after all. Help them notice that their quality only exceeds an extent. History provided us to see the old age excellence and never brought its performers except for those written, told or sculptured parts.

Thus, with or without understanding, any or all kind of governing members shall promote fairness and justice in everything we are supposed to pass through.


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