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Wish a real election

(This post had been posted on April 02, 2013 on my other blog. Please consider the original date while reading.)

As man wishes to show progress in his future career, he in the beginning manages to think through every possible step and follow them to prove his development.
For no question each individual in a country counts everything passing by, the short of money, illiteracy and wise governance. No matter most African countries still promote scarcity evoking unfair resolution of life standard among the nation.

Ethiopia, likewise, has been proceeding with the same technique. Corrupted and autocratic leaders still hold the position.  Though visible progress the development program is undeniable, the government has to show on more tangible backing of the citizen benefit in every pace. 

Smuggling money, raw material, weapon, drug and clothing are still in high contribution to the unstable market in the country. Officially registered traders are mostly running their mixed business, the ruined with the licensed.

Difficultly to accept, most actions of the government are offensive to the innocent in that press and human right go violated in countries like Ethiopia. The government in such countries is totally blind to opposition parties and deviates whatever they may suggest.

These countries not only suffer from a long age based governor, but following its nature art performers incline negative and promote the rot and corrupted ruling desires of the government and its propaganda, where innocent people are led in slain.

Abused election; slow and theft projects; copied and ineffective rules; wrongly assigned public icons; abused educational system; immoral religious leaders; pretending juries and unjust sentences; they all bear curse to the generation.

Everyone has to stand against this. Our descendents shall not lack morality and wisdom. We shall say no more to un-iconic symbols. We shall sanctify the generation with a truthful jury and its remarkable sentences. We shall fight for acquiring effective governing rules and sponsors them till a real, fair, free and democratic election comes true.

May each of us understand that a brother is better if we in love demand him to lead us in wisdom, fairness, peace, no lack and prosperity!


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የሷ ሱስ

የወደዷትን ልጅ እያወዳደሱ እያሞጋገሱ እንዲህ እያስደነሱ፤ ልፍታ ልተው ቢሏት እንኳንስ ፍቅሯና አይለቅህም ሱሱ! tsenawoo